The gone-to-soon after shower freshness:

We all dream to prolong the shower experience. This “ME” moment where we enjoy the euphoria of fresh, floral, and fruity fragrances. “more is more”, during these precious moments, we do not mind having different fragrances blooming from either our shower gel, soap, shampoo, or conditioner. And while we dry our bodies, we do enjoy this clean feel of our skin and the evaporation of the different fragrances molecule until it is shortly gone.
The body mist is the answer:

Let’s dive into the body mist fragrances composition, it is fruity floral, gourmand sometimes, rich fragrances with happy ingredients, never too spicy or too woody, balanced with many fresh notes and always has musky base to prolong the clean feel. Where do you find this profile of fragrances? You would find them in the personal care products such as the shower gel or the shampoo.
Any thoughts so far?

yes, the body mist fragrances have similar profile to the shower gel and the shampoo from olfactive composition perspective, redesigned to become a body fragrance, however, to act to replicate the after-shower euphoria of fragrances, while providing you with freshness, confidence and joyful feelings that you dream to have throughout your day.
Your new fresh companion! Feel fresh, clean, and joyful any time:

By selecting the right body mist that suits your personality, mood, or ingredients preference, you shall immerse into a scent of joy anytime during your day and you will reverse back to that precious after-shower moment that is full of clean glow and good feelings.